If you're the type who attend weddings or marriage ceremonies, you'll realize that less beautiful ladies get married than the more beautiful ones. Although aesthetic is a product of perspective, men often use girls who the society classify as "beautiful" for sex while they marry those with qualities. In order to know these qualities, read the following advice: 1. Guys love to marry independent and matured ladies... so instead of sitting there and waiting to be bluffed by a guy, focus on getting a career that would take you out of the 'house wife category'... 2. Never let the sweet talks of guys deceive you, most times they just want to go between your legs and run off thereafter. On the flip side, do not see all guys as the same. 3. Remove the mentality from your mind that guys will keep springing up to approach you. The older you get by the day, the less toasters you will have. 4. Playing 'too hard to get' is the worst thing you should ever start, remember, nothing lasts forever. If you still doubt, check out the number of matured beautiful single ladies in Churches looking up to GOD FOR A MIRACLE. 5. Never extort things from a guy you don't love. Guys always have ways of paying you back, either through friends or strangers.... BE CAREFUL! 6. Don't deceive yourself that you can trap a guy with sex. A man will always return to his wife who sex-starved him for years.... You can never win a man over with your body. 7. If all you take to the relationship is the mind set to EXTRACT MONEY from him, don't complain if all he ask from you is your body. He has seen that you have nothing else to offer... 8. Don't be fooled when Guys tell you they have never met a prettier girl. They will say that same thing to an 80 year old woman they want to get intimate with, infact only God knows how many gurls they have said that to. 9. Because he's always taking you to Cinema Houses, Fast foods, Pepper soup joint, Super market, Conferences, may suya, Bars etc, is no sign that he loves you. If he doesn't care to ask and plan your future, then you are just his Casual friend and nothing else.... 10. If the only time he invites you over is when he needs to cook, clean the house and do his laundry, then just know you are his "executive house help". 11. If he avoids meeting your family and close friends then it is an obvious sign he is just playing games with you. 12. If the only places he doesn't frown when you enter are his bedroom and kitchen then know you aren't welcome (only being used). Have you noticed that most of the ladies that end up being EMOTIONALLY ABUSED are the ones at the receiving end... Always with open arms, requesting for something and ready to receive... The more you widen your arms, the more he widens your legs... A grown up guy who gives the excuse about his parents being wild when he brings female visitors to the house is a sign that HE HAS A SERIOUS GIRL AND HAS INTRODUCED HER TO HIS PARENTS ALREADY... ADVISE YOURSELF!! FINALLY, it's better to be sitting in a taxi smiling happily than to be in your husband’s fresh air conditioned BMW x6 with bruised eyes wearing a fresh Gucci shades alongside a Burberry scarf.... JUST REMEMBER THAT DATING A RICH MAN DOESN'T GUARANTEE HAPPINESS IN MARRIAGE. ...MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING..... MAKING RIGHT CHOICES IN LIFE IS WHAT MATTERS MOST. ...FOR WEALTH IS NOT SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED. A WORD SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR A WISE LADY! .
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