The village of ifite was perched on a small hill over looking a new express way that ran into a nearby town. It was once an abandoned road, littered with potholes, until, the commissioner for works emerged from awka. The contract for the road was awarded . Soon a shimmering expressway that turned overnight into a busy highway appeared. St. Peter's College, ifite. Was built in 1947 by an irish missionary, Revered father collins. The school moved from grass to grace. A vast undulating compound of over 70acres. The choice of enough land influencing its location in ifite. The school wore the garland of greatness in academic and extra-curricula activites, having won the state's secondary school footbal cup several times. When Tom got down from the bus, the sun was already looking down on him It burnt the enviroment dry with great intensity. Tom had waited until dismissal to sneak out of school. Mattew had proved unreliable and he decided to undertake the journey alone.
A bucket was kicked violentlyaway from the line that hadbeen formed by the side of thewell. There was outrage.Voices were raised and a fewbodies were shoved in anger.This scenario played out almostevery morning and the residentsof inland street were used to the fracas. In the huge melee, Ironegot down to work briskly. Hedunked the small bucket used todraw water from the well andbegan to fill his many bucketsand basins, while Gbenga and Sesan tried to calm down thewarring parties. A few, veryobservant girls had keyed intoIrone’s train of thought anddeftly jumped the queue to getwater. One was those girls, was called Chinwe… Popularly knownas chi-chiChinwe was the hottest bitchon Koso street. Her beauty wasnot measured by her face,stature, brains, height, skin color or other such criteria.Chinwe's beauty was strictlymeasured by the activeness andactivity of her vagina.Her father had been stripped offhis manliness when he lost his job as a Hotel Manager in a No-Star, barely-above-a...
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